Consortium Partners

University of Bern, Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)

Focal Point (name, position)

Albrecht Ehrensperger, Head of land resources cluster

Countries/ Key topics:

Global North and South


Conducting research for SLM and sustainable development research for filling SLM knowledge gaps, development and testing of tools.

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Albrecht Ehrensperger

CDE Centre for Development and Environment
WOCAT Steering Committee member
albrecht.ehrensperger( at )
Switzerland Switzerland

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Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Focal Point

Stefan Schlingloff, technical officer, Land and Water Division

Countries/ Key topics:



Ensuring productive, efficient, and sustainable use of land and water resources in order to meet demands for food and agriculture and to safeguard food security for present and future generations UN technical agency/ convening of agricultural sector ministries and bodies; Assistance in developing policies, investment frameworks, providing technical support through country/ regional/ global processes and strengthening capacities in accordance with its Strategic Framework; Hosting the Global Soil Partnership (GSP) secretariat, and supporting GSP implementation with a focus on promoting sustainable soil management (Pillar 1)

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Aurélie Brès

Food and Agriculture Organization
WOCAT Steering Committee member
aurelie.bres( at )
Italy Italy

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Vera Boerger

Food and Agriculture Organization
Land and Water Officer
vera.boerger( at )
Panama Panama

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ISRIC - World Soil Information

Focal Point

Andre Kooiman, SLM expert

Countries/ Key topics:



Providing information about the world’s soil resources to help address major global issues; Application of soil data in global development issues

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Rik van den Bosch

ISRIC World Soil Information
WOCAT Steering Committee Member
rik.vandenbosch( at )
Netherlands Netherlands

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Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Focal point

Juliane Wiesenhuetter, Project leader, Sector Project Soil Protection, Combating Desertification, Sustainable Land Management

Christopher Bren d'Amour, Advisor, Sector Project Soil Protection, Combating Desertification, Sustainable Land Management

Countries/ Key topics:



GIZ is a service provider in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development and international education work and is dedicated to shaping a future worth living around the world. We work with businesses, civil society actors and research institutions, fostering successful interaction between development policy and other policy fields and areas of activity.

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Juliane Wiesenhuetter

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
WOCAT Steering Committee member
juliane.wiesenhuetter( at )
Germany Germany

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Nina Bisom

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Coordinator of the Economics of Land Degradation Initiative (ELD)
nina.bisom( at )
Germany Germany

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International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)

Focal Point

Stéphanie Jacquet, senior scientist

Countries/ Key topics:

Global tropics


Land restoration and enhancement of ecosystem services, global responsibility for the improvement of cassava and common bean, and tropical forages for livestock. Knowledge generation on SLM in landscapes, engagement in Economics of Land Degradation (ELD) and other partnership networks.

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Lulseged Desta

Alliance Bioversity and International Center for Tropical Agriculture
WOCAT Steering Committee member
ltdesta( at )
Ethiopia Ethiopia

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International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)

Focal Point

Sanjeev Bhuchar, watershed management specialist, social forester

Countries/ Key topics:

Hindukush Himalaya region


Mountain development, valuation of ecosystem services, and restoration of degraded ecosystems; Link to interface between practice/policy and science; Experience in watershed management.

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Sanjeev Bhuchar

Social Forester
sbhuchar( at )
Nepal Nepal

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International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Focal Point

Enrico Bonaiuti, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Specialist

Countries/ Key topics:

Global nontropical dry areas; Central and West Asia and North Africa (CWANA)


Global mandate for the improvement of barley, lentil, and faba bean, improving agricultural productivity in nontropical dry areas, and sustainably improving the management of scarce water and land resources in dry areas; Delivering systems solutions for rain-fed, irrigated, and pastoral agricultural systems in drylands, which includes new crop varieties; agronomy; on-farm water productivity; natural resource management; rangeland and small ruminant production; and socioeconomic and policy research.

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Akmal Akramkhanov

ICARDA International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas
Steering Committee member
a.akramkhanov( at )
Uzbekistan Uzbekistan

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