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WOCAT Network

What is WOCAT?

WOCAT is an established global network of Sustainable Land Management (SLM) specialists. The overall goal of the WOCAT Network is to unite knowledge management and decision-support efforts, to enable scaling up of SLM among all stakeholders. Stakeholders include national governmental and non-governmental institutions, and international and regional organizations and programmes. Read more

How can I join WOCAT?

To become a WOCAT Member please click here.

Can I create a WOCAT account?

To create a WOCAT account please click here.

Why do I need to create a WOCAT account?

As a registered WOCAT user you have full access all WOCAT members' contact details. Furthermore, you can contribute SLM practices to the Global SLM Database

Global SLM Database

What is the Global SLM Database?

WOCAT's Global Database on Sustainable Land Management (SLM) provides free access to the documentation of field-tested SLM data including SLM practices and maps from different places in the world and offers practitioners the opportunity to share their own SLM practice or map. Read more.

How can I access the Global SLM Database?

To access the Global SLM Database please click here.

How can I contribute SLM practices to the Global SLM Database?

Please first inform yourself about the different WOCAT questionnaires that exist. Once you have decided what kind of practice you would like to add, please click here to access the Global SLM Database.

How can I search for an SLM practice?

To search for a specific SLM practice, please click here.