We invite you and/ or your organization to become part of the global WOCAT Network. You may subscribe as an Individual Member or as an Organizational Member.
WOCAT (World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies) is an established global network which supports innovation and decision-making processes in Sustainable Land Management (SLM).
The overall goal of the WOCAT Network is to unite the efforts in knowledge management and decision support for the scaling up of SLM among all stakeholders, including national governmental and non-governmental institutions and international and regional organizations and programmes. The Network provides tools that allow SLM specialists to identify fields and needs of action, and share their valuable knowledge in land management. This will assist them in their search for appropriate SLM technologies and approaches, support them in making decisions in the field and at the planning level, and help them scale up identified best practices.
As a member of the WOCAT Network you can access the WOCAT Database, launch joint projects in collaboration with WOCAT, and exchange your know-how with other WOCAT Members.
Any institution or organization that supports the Vision and Mission of the WOCAT Network can become a WOCAT Organizational Member.
Organizational Members contribute to the global WOCAT knowledge base and database by sharing information products, data or other materials with the Secretariat. Such materials remains the property of the contributing Member and its access and use by WOCAT Network members shall be managed in accordance with art. Each Organizational Member operates and makes decisions in an autonomous, decentralized, and self-funded way.
Any individual who supports the Vision and Mission of the WOCAT Network can apply to become an Individual Member.
Individual Members benefit from WOCAT tools and methods and access to detailed information on SLM practices recorded in the WOCAT database. Individual Members contribute to the global WOCAT knowledge base and database by sharing information products, data or other materials with the Secretariat. Such materials remains the property of the contributing Member and its access and use by WOCAT Network members shall be managed in accordance with art. Individual Members may use WOCAT tools and methods in their respective field of work with proper acknowledgment and subject to reporting on their activities related to implementation of WOCAT tools and methods within their field of work.
A Memorandum of Understanding to sign up for the membership will be made available soon!
Consortium Partners are founders of WOCAT and are also standing Organizational Members of the WOCAT Network. They are ambassadors of WOCAT and have an opportunity to participate in the Network’s governance through representation in the Steering Committee and Executive Team.
Are you interested in collaborating on a project with WOCAT? Please contact the Secretariat directly at wocat.cde@unibe.ch.
With a small number of WOCAT Newsletters we keep you informed about our activities. Subscribe for the WOCAT Newsletter
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