
Multi-Donor Basket Fund for SLM

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WOCAT, as a globally recognized leader in knowledge management and capacity development for sustainable land management (SLM), has empowered communities, civil society, governments, research institutions, and other stakeholders across continents for over three decades. Through its local-to-global action and outreach, WOCAT has created a unique platform for knowledge sharing and learning, fostering innovation, and building capacity to address land degradation, climate change, and biodiversity loss at all levels.

As the UNCCD-designated database for SLM best practice reporting, WOCAT plays a pivotal role in supporting UNCCD parties and stakeholders in documenting, sharing, and scaling up SLM practices. This designation underscores WOCAT’s unique expertise in bridging science, policy, and practice to enable evidence-based, participatory approaches that delivered impactful and sustainable solutions worldwide.

Advancing Sustainable Land Management Globally

The Multi-Donor Basket Fund (MDBF) for Sustainable Land Management represents a bold step forward in WOCAT’s mission to scale up proven SLM practices and achieve land degradation neutrality (LDN). Hosted by the UNCCD Secretariat, the MDBF is designed as a collaborative financial mechanism that pools resources from diverse donors to accelerate the adoption and implementation of innovative land management solutions on a global scale.

Aligned with the goals of the UNCCD and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the MDBF addresses critical gaps in knowledge and capacity development, with a special focus on regions most affected by land degradation and desertification. It underscores WOCAT’s commitment to fostering global partnerships, enhancing cross-border knowledge sharing, and empowering local communities to restore and sustainably manage their lands for the benefit of current and future generations.

Leveraging Expertise, Partnerships, and Flexible Funding Mechanisms

The MDBF serves as a sustainable funding mechanism, consolidating various funding sources to streamline WOCAT's operations and enhance management efficiency. This unified approach reduces administrative burdens, ensures predictable financing, and fosters strategic resource prioritization, promoting regional integration and collaboration to effectively address SLM challenges.

It unites diverse stakeholders, including international donors, institutions, local and regional governments, international bodies, the private sector, and civil society. It enhances SLM through:

  • Leveraging Expertise: Facilitates knowledge exchange and capacity building, with a focus on South-South Cooperation to share relevant SLM knowledge and foster innovative problem-solving.
  • Facilitating Partnerships: Provides a platform for partnerships between international bodies, local governments, private sector, and civil society, enabling coordinated efforts and resource pooling for greater impact.
  • Providing Flexible Funding Mechanisms: Offers various funding options, such as small grants for innovative SLM projects, to meet diverse stakeholder needs and capacities.
  • Ensuring Local Involvement and Empowerment: Actively involves local and regional governments and communities to ensure culturally sensitive and locally relevant projects, increasing ownership and sustainability.

Are You Interested in Contributing to the MDBF?

Contributing to the MDBF is a strategic way to support global, regional, national, and local SLM initiatives and activities. Donors can provide financial resources that are managed transparently and efficiently by the UNCCD Basket Fund Manager. To discuss a contribution, contact the WOCAT Secretariat (wocat.cde@unibe.ch) for detailed guidelines and partnership opportunities, ensuring your investment drives impactful and sustainable land management solutions worldwide.

Contribution Options

  • One-time Contributions: Support the MDBF with a one-time contribution starting from 50,000 USD. These funds will be non-earmarked, allowing for flexible use across activities.
  • Multi-year Contributions: Commit to an annual contribution of 50,000 USD or more for a minimum of two years. These funds can be earmarked to support specific outcomes, ensuring targeted support for particular agendas or regions, and addressing identified priorities effectively (non-earmarked funds are prioritized to ensure comprehensive and adaptable support for WOCAT's objectives).

Details about the MDBF

Institutional Aspects

The MDBF is hosted by the UNCCD Secretariat, which takes financial accountability for the MDBF funds. The governance arrangement ensures efficient decision-making and oversight, with streamlined allocation processes and clear lines of accountability. These arrangements are based on the principles of inclusiveness, transparency, accountability, and consensus-based decisions.

The MDBF activities are governed by a Steering Committee comprising WOCAT Consortium Partners and selected WOCAT Organizational Members. This committee is supported by the WOCAT Global Executive Team and the WOCAT Secretariat.


Distribution of Funds

The allocation of funds ensures a balanced distribution across four key categories, focusing on global and regional activities, innovation, and necessary administrative support:

  • Global Activities (30%): Geared towards accelerating the global uptake of SLM and its multiple contributions to sustainable development.
  • Regional Activities (40%): Led by WOCAT Regional Clusters, aimed at mainstreaming SLM and LDN in regional strategic agendas and implementing and scaling up SLM at the local level.
  • Innovative SLM Projects (17%): Reserved for funding small innovative SLM projects, distributed as grants through a yearly SLM innovation call.
  • UNCCD Administrative Fee (13%): Covers administrative costs associated with implementing and managing the MDBF.
MDTF distribution1

Contact us if you are interested in getting more information wocat.cde@unibe.ch


Official High-Level Launch of the WOCAT Multi-Donor Basket Fund for SLM


On December 12, 2024, the MDBF has been officially launched at the UNCCD COP16.

A high-level event officially launched the MDBF in collaboration with the UNCCD Secretariat, donors, and the WOCAT network with a particular emphasis on the establishment of WOCAT regional representations - known as WOCAT Regional Clusters - which will become a cornerstone of the MDBF. It also spotlighted WOCAT’s global efforts in supporting SLM, from Africa to Asia, Latin America, and beyond.

MDBF Announcement

DDD logo

On June 17, 2024, during the Desertification and Drought Day, the MDBF has been officially announced.

Find here the more details on the global observance of the Desertification and Drought Day 2024

WOCAT 2020+ Concept Note

Developed by the Consortium Partners, the WOCAT 2020+ Concept Note describes the goal, strategy and the new organizational structure of WOCAT.

WOCAT-related UNCCD COP16 decisions

4 of the 37 decisions taken at COP16 highlight the role of WOCAT in supporting knowledge sharing, generating SLM good practices data and building capacity in collaboration with UNCCD and other partners.