Capacitación en el uso de las herramientas WOCAT y su aplicación dirigida a personal del Programa Gestion Comunitaria en la Cuenca del Rio Dipilto, Nicaragua

WOCAT/CDE is supporting the SDC and the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources in Nicaragua (MARENA) to document and evaluate the technologies and approaches implemented in their Program “Community Driven Watershed Management for Climate Change Adaptation in Nicaragua”.

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  3. Capacitación en el uso de las herramientas WOCAT y su aplicación dirigida a personal del Programa Gestion Comunitaria en la Cuenca del Rio Dipilto, Nicaragua

About the project

Project results and impacts

Documentation of 11 technologies and one approach to community-driven watershed management and their assessment in terms of climate change resilience.

Official project homepage



Johanna Jacobi
Postdoctoral researcher
johanna.jacobi( at )
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Project duration

Two one-week courses plus online-support.

Involved partners

Swiss Development Cooperation Latin America (COSUDE)

Ministerio del Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (MARENA)