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  3. Decision Support for Mainstreaming and Scaling Out Sustainable Land Management (DS-SLM)
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  5. Turkey

About DS-SLM in Turkey

The project is implemented under the coordination of General Directorate of Combating Desertification with 86'000$ GEF funds and 200'000$ in-kind contribution of the Republic of Turkey in 2018-2020.

Goals and targets

  • Evaluation of land degradation and support for sustainable land management and monitoring of good practices,
  • Combating land degradation and desertification; adaptation to climate change; conservation of biodiversity; to increase the use of agriculture and forest areas effectively, efficiently and sustainably,
  • Creating public awareness through related issues,
  • Dissemination of good practices,
  • Compiling good practice examples in land management and standardization of criteria,
  • Organizing of Capacity building activities (especially mapping, land management, etc.).

Expected outcomes

National Level

  • Production of reliable DLDD and SLM data at national and regional level,
  • Development of plans that taking account DLDD and SLM assessments at national level,
  • Increasing awareness about SLM at national level and strengthening education and dissemination mechanisms.

International Level

  • Creating an information archive of good practice examples
  • Providing a suitable environment for mutual information exchange between interested parties,
  • Creating an instrument to achieve to Land Degradation Neutrality targets and 2030 sustainable development goals.

Results according to DS framework

Final Presentation

Türkiye_DS-SLM final presentation
10.1 MB

Involved institutions/ organizations and partners

Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry www.tarimorman.gov.tr

General Directorate of Combating Desertification and Erosion www.cem.gov.tr

General Directorate of Forestry www.ogm.gov.tr

Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture And Forestry


Ozlem Yavuz

DS-SLM project coordinator, Deputy Director General, General Directorate of Combating Desertification and Erosion, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
