
On- and Offsite Policy Briefs

Illustrated Policy Briefs present for each case study the main impacts of SLM both on- and offsite with facts, figures and latest insights. They show key messages, and the implications for practice, policy and research.

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The Policy Briefs guide decision making in implementation and provide evidence that SLM is not only for the benefits of a few land users but for all, rural and urban people. This raises the awareness about the overall value SLM and the willingness to invest in good land management. The attractive 6 pages layout offers key insights and recommendations for project implementers, planners, policy makers and researchers it also shows links to videos and references for further reading.

Land Use Change Impacts in the Cusiana Watershed of the River Basin, Orinoco River Basin, Colombia
Author: Liniger HP, Vega LF, Ramírez BH, Eichenberger J
Year: 2020
Languages: English
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Productive and protective land management – reducing disastrous floods and saving springs in Haiti
Author: Eichenberger J, Liniger HP
Year: 2020
Languages: English
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Spring Revival through Sustainable Land Management (SLM) in the Himalayan Foothills: Uttarakhand, North India
Author: Liniger HP, Bandy J
Year: 2020
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Devastating sand and dust storms: the role of Sustainable Land Management (SLM) for an Icelandic fishing town
Author: Linger HP, Reichert J, Runólfsson S.
Year: 2020
Languages: English
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