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Policy Brief

The iIllustrated Policy Brief presents for this case study the main impacts of SLM both on- and offsite with facts, figures and latest insights. It shows key messages, and the implications for practice, policy and research.

Productive and protective land management – reducing disastrous floods and saving springs in Haiti
Author: Eichenberger J, Liniger HP
Year: 2020
Languages: English
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SLM Technologies and Approaches

The most promising SLM Technologies and SLM Approaches with a range of benefits both on-site and offsite were documented using the WOCAT SLM Technologies and Approaches Questionnaire and Database

Progressive bench terraces formed by a vetiver hedge system and trees (Haiti)

Progressive terracing technology is established through successive deposits of sediments behind (upstream) any anti-erosional structure, in this case contour strips of vetiver grass (vetiveria zizanioides). To better stabilize the slopes in the long-term, trees are planted downstream of the vetiver hedges.

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Agro-silvo-pastoralism on north facing slopes (Haiti)

Agroforestry is a way of incorporating agricultural land combining trees and crops and / or livestock. The technology increases and diversifies production, generating social, economic and environmental benefits. In addition, planted around houses, trees offer hurricane protection.

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Agroforestry homegardens (Haiti)

Agroforestry is a way of incorporating agricultural land with trees, crops and / or livestock. The technology increases and diversifies production, generating social, economic and environmental benefits. In addition, planted around houses, trees offer protection against hurricanes.

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Afforestation (Haiti)

In the Mornes region of Léogâne, the Swiss Red Cross (SRC) practices reforestation through community participation.

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Nature-Based Practices in Haiti: Reducing Floods and Saving Springs

Haiti is very vulnerable to climate extremes (hurricanes, rain storms) and is frequently hit by disasters, floods, droughts and food insecurity. The land use is not resilient and rural people face land degradation and loss of productivity. Good land management is not only productive also protective. It protects people downstream from devastating floods and soon after that droughts and drying up of the springs - the essential water supply. Agroforestry systems and vetiver terraces and their benefits are illustrated. Impressive landscape images and statements by land users and young extension workers showing on- and offsite benefits of SLM.

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Hanspeter Liniger
Hanspeter Liniger
CDE Centre for Development and Environment
former WOCAT Director/ honorary fellow WOCAT ( lecturer
hanspeter.liniger( at )unibe.ch
flag of Switzerland Switzerland
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