
Executive Team

André Kooiman

ISRIC World Soil Information
WOCAT Executive Team member
andre.kooiman( at )
Netherlands Netherlands

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Nicole Harari

CDE Centre for Development and Environment
WOCAT Executive Team Member
nicole.harari( at )
Switzerland Switzerland

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Enrico Bonaiuti

ICARDA International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas
WOCAT Executive Team Member
e.bonaiuti( at )
Uzbekistan Uzbekistan

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Tatenda Lemann

CDE Centre for Development and Environment
WOCAT Executive Team member
tatenda.lemann( at )
Switzerland Switzerland

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Steering Committee

Akmal Akramkhanov

ICARDA International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas
Steering Committee member
a.akramkhanov( at )
Uzbekistan Uzbekistan

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Aurélie Brès

Food and Agriculture Organization
WOCAT Steering Committee member
aurelie.bres( at )
Italy Italy

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Lulseged Desta

Alliance Bioversity and International Center for Tropical Agriculture
WOCAT Steering Committee member
ltdesta( at )
Ethiopia Ethiopia

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Sanjeev Bhuchar

ICIMOD International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development
bhuchar.sanjeev( at )
India India

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Vera Boerger

Food and Agriculture Organization
Land and Water Officer
vera.boerger( at )
Panama Panama

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Albrecht Ehrensperger

CDE Centre for Development and Environment
WOCAT Steering Committee member
albrecht.ehrensperger( at )
Switzerland Switzerland

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Juliane Wiesenhuetter

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
WOCAT Steering Committee member
juliane.wiesenhuetter( at )
Germany Germany

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Nina Bisom

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Coordinator of the Economics of Land Degradation Initiative (ELD)
nina.bisom( at )
Germany Germany

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Rik van den Bosch

ISRIC World Soil Information
WOCAT Steering Committee Member
rik.vandenbosch( at )
Netherlands Netherlands

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Secretariat and Services

Camilla Steinboeck

CDE Centre for Development and Environment
Research Scientist
camilla.steinboeck( at )
Switzerland Switzerland

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Innocent Bikara

ICARDA International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas
WOCAT Monitoring and Evaluation
I.Bikara( at )
Uganda Uganda

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Juliana Anchang

ICARDA International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas
WOCAT Monitoring and Evaluation Support
j.anchang( at )
Cameroon Cameroon

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Kurt Gerber

CDE Centre for Development and Environment
Senior Research Scientist
kurt.gerber( at )
Switzerland Switzerland

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Simon Pulei

CDE Centre for Development and Environment
Administration Manager
simon.pulei( at )
Switzerland Switzerland

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Ingrid Teich

CDE Centre for Development and Environment
Senior Research Scientist
ingrid.teich( at )
Argentina Argentina

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Joana Eichenberger

CDE Centre for Development and Environment
Research Scientist
joana.eichenberger( at )
Switzerland Switzerland

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Jonas Chastonay

CDE Centre for Development and Environment
Research Associate
jonas.chastonay( at )
Switzerland Switzerland

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Rima Mekdaschi Studer

CDE Centre for Development and Environment
SLM expert
rima.mekdaschi-studer( at )
Switzerland Switzerland

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Valerio Graziano

ICARDA International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas
Knowledge Management Officer
v.graziano( at )
Italy Italy

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Associated Researchers

Alisher Mirzabaev

University Bonn
almir( at )
Germany Germany

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Claudio Zucca

Centre for sustainable management of soil and landscape, University of Sassari
clzucca( at )
Italy Italy

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M. Guglielma da Passano

Independent Consultant
Land Tenure and Governance Advisor
m.guglielma.dapassano( at )
Tanzania Tanzania

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Hernán Pablo Angelini

National Institute for Agricultural Research
Researcher in Geomatics
hernanangelini( at )
Argentina Argentina

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Rodrigo Marti

Independent Consultant
LDN expert
ing.martirodrigo( at )
Argentina Argentina

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Soledad Bastidas

Independent Consultant
South-South, decision support and innovative finance expert
soledadbastidas( at )
Ecuador Ecuador

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Tessie Akoko

Alliance Bioversity and International Center for Tropical Agriculture
Research Consultant
t.akoko( at )
Kenya Kenya

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Cesar Garcia

Food and Agriculture Organization
International LDN expert
cesarnon( at )
Argentina Argentina

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Eleanor Milne

Colorado State University
eleanor.milne( at )
United Kingdom United Kingdom

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Hanspeter Liniger

CDE Centre for Development and Environment
former WOCAT Director/ honorary fellow WOCAT ( lecturer
hanspeter.liniger( at )
Switzerland Switzerland

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Isabelle Providoli

CDE Centre for Development and Environment
Senior Research Scientist
isabelle.providoli( at )
Switzerland Switzerland

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Siagbé Golli

Alliance Bioversity and International Center for Tropical Agriculture
CSA- Senior Research Associate
G.Siagbe( at )
Senegal Senegal

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Tabitha Nekesa

Alliance Bioversity and International Center for Tropical Agriculture
Research Consultant
nekesatabitha.nt( at )
Kenya Kenya

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WOCAT Database Reviewers

William Critchley

Sustainable Land Management Associates Ltd
Editor and Author
williamcritchley01( at )
United Kingdom United Kingdom

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Udo Höggel

efuhasb( at )
Switzerland Switzerland

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Sally Bunning

retiree ex FAO
bunningsally( at )
Italy Italy

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