Call for expression of interest to participate in the application of the WOCAT-UNCCD Gender-responsive SLM tool

The UNCCD Gender Action Plan (GAP) prioritizes gender equality and women’s empowerment to enhance the Convention's implementation. In line with GAP objectives, UNCCD and WOCAT partnered in 2020 to promote Gender-responsive Sustainable Land Management (SLM).

The UNCCD-WOCAT collaboration aims to document, analyze, and scale Gender-responsive SLM practices by generating gender-disaggregated data. Together with gender and SLM experts a tool to identify gender-based constraints and factors for better adoption of SLM practices was co-designed. This tool supports project planners and decision-makers in scaling gender-responsive SLM practices.

Following Decision 24/COP.15, UNCCD, WOCAT, and WeCaN are launching a call for expression of interest to collect country-specific gender-disaggregated data using the new Gender-responsive SLM tool. UNCCD stakeholders worldwide are invited to contribute to this effort, providing new insights on Gender-responsive SLM for UNCCD COP16.

Application deadline is 4 August 2024

Submissions in English, French and Spanish are welcome.


Download the Englisch version of the call here

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Télécharger la version française de l'appel ici

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Descargue aquí la versión española de la convocatoria

1.3 MB