Making sense of research for sustainable land management Videos


Biological Pest Control

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The technology aims at biological pest control through reducing the use of common agrochemicals by supporting preferred habitats of biological pest control agents like amphibians and by using alternative self-made organic pesticides. Increasing habitat heterogeneity stimulates the diversity of amphibians and so a greater number of pest types will be controlled.

Controle biológico de pragas

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A tecnologia descrita neste vídeo tem como objetivo o controle biológico de pragas. Duas linhas de ações são apresentadas que permitem a redução ou a completa abstinência de usar agroquímicos comuns. Recomenda-se a manutenção e o estabelecimento de habitats necessários para inimigos naturais tais como anfíbios. A crescente heterogeneidade do habitat dentro ou pelo menos ao redor do cultivo ou da plantação estimula a diversidade de anfíbios e assim um maior número de tipos de pragas será controlado. Se as pragas não têm inimigos naturais é indicado de usar pesticidas orgânicos ou caseiros que são menos nocivos para a saúde do meio ambiente e da gente do que os agroquímicos comuns.

Constellation Analysis

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Constellation Analysis is a tool used to clarify perceptions of different stakeholders about critical situations or problems and paves the way for better informed decision-making while facilitating a negotiated process of land management with potential changes/techniques. In workshops, participants visualize interrelationships between actors, as well as the associated natural, technical and regulatory factors.

Análise de constelação

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Análise da Constelação é uma metodologia usada para esclarecer percepções de diferentes partes interessadas sobre desafios ou situações críticas a fim de identificar caminhos para uma melhor tomada de decisões. Ao mesmo tempo esta abordagem facilita um processo deliberativo de gestão da terra e água, ou outros recursos e tomadas de decisão. Em oficinas, os participantes visualizam e discutem as inter-relações entre atores e fatores naturais, técnicos e regulatórios associados. Os tipos de relacionamentos indicam tanto as barreiras específicas como as oportunidades para mudança.


Role Play Games

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Participatory simulation to foster stakeholder dialogue in natural resource management, conciliate resource conflicts and facilitate participatory land use planning.

This video was produced by SuLaMa and WOCAT.

Les jeux de rôle participatifs

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Simulation participative pour favoriser le dialogue entre les parties prenantes dans la gestion des ressources naturelles, concilier les conflits de ressources et faciliter la planification participative de l'utilisation des terres

Ce vidéo était produit par SuLaMa et WOCAT.

Sustainable use of Samata Tree

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The succulent evergreen tree Euphorbia stenoclada (“samata”) is the most important dry season fodder resource on the coastal plains grazing grounds in the Mahafaly Plateau region. This video shows the propagation of “samata” cuttings for long-term provision of supplementary livestock fodder to reduce the pressure on natural vegetation. The film was produced by SuLaMa and WOCAT.

La culture durable de l’arbre fourrager Samata à Madagascar (Version française et malgache)

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Ce film montre l'utilisation durable et de la technique de multiplication de boutures de l'arbre Samata avec l'objectif de la fourniture à long terme de plus de fourrage pour le bétail afin de réduire la pression sur la végétation naturelle. Le film était produit par SuLaMa (Sustainable Landmanagement in south-western Madagascar) et WOCAT.

La culture durable de l'arbre fourrager Samata à Madagascar

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Ce film montre l'utilisation durable et de la technique de multiplication de boutures de l'arbre Samata avec l'objectif de la fourniture à long terme de plus de fourrage pour le bétail afin de réduire la pression sur la végétation naturelle. Le film était produit par SuLaMa (Sustainable Landmanagement in south-western Madagascar) et WOCAT.


Adapting to climate change in the low-lying areas on the German North Sea coast

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In the East  Frisian Lowlands on Germany’s North Sea coast regulation of the water level is indispensable to enable large-scale agricultural use of the land below sea level. With climate change how can the land claimed from the sea be further used? By means of computer models the impacts of climate change in the area and different land use scenarios are simulated.

This video was produced by WOCAT and COMTESS.

Anpassungen an den Klimawandel im norddeutschen Tiefland

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Im ostfriesischen Tiefland an der deutschen Nordseeküste ist nur mittels einer Wasserstandsregelung eine grossflächige landwirtschaftliche Nutzung unter dem Meeresspiegel möglich. Unter dem Klimawandel, wie kann das am Meer entrungene Land weiter bewirtschaftet werden? Mittels Computermodellen werden die Auswirkungen der Klimaveränderung in der Region und verschiedene Landnutzungsszenarien simuliert.

Dieser Film wurde produziert von WOCAT und COMTESS.


Minimum Tillage and No-Till in western Siberia

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Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Kulunda Steppe has gained increasing importance as the breadbasket of the Russian Federation.

Agriculture is characterized by large-scale intensive farming based on monocultures. Inappropriate land use and poor management on the steppe has led, in turn, to widespread degradation. One initiative taken was to test sustainable intensification using no-till and minimum tillage techniques.

The video was produced by WOCAT and Kulunda.