Mercy Kendi explains how the Ngushishi water resources users' association in Kenya functions and what benefits the members get from the equal distribution of the joint water sources.
Henri Mwiti explains the functioning and benefits of the Mailisaba conservation agriculture and manure management self-help group in Kenya.
This video was produced in the frame of the project FLERMONECA (Forest and Biodiversity Governance, including Environmental Monitoring), financed by the European Union and implemented by the regional programme for Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in Central Asia of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
The rotational grazing system has many advantages for the village and the livestock committee. The pastures improve and this helps to increase the number of animals per family. The head of the livestock committee suggests where to let the animals graze depending on the weather situation.
This video is linked to the WOCAT approach 2457.
Это видео связано с подходом 2457.
Kyrgyz with English subtitles
The video was produced in the frame of the FLERMONECA project (Forest and Biodiversity Governance, including Environmental Monitoring), financed by the European Union and implemented by the regional programme for Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in Central Asia of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.This video is linked to the approach 2582.
Kyrgyz with Russian subtitles
Видео было снято в рамках проекта “Управление лесами и
биоразнообразием, включая мониторинг состояния окружающей среды”
(FLERMONECA), финансируемого Европейским Союзом и реализуемого
региональной программой Германского общества по международному
сотрудничеству (GIZ) по устойчивому использованию природных ресурсов в
Центральной Азии.
Это видео связано с подходом 2582.
This video is linked to the approach 2431.
Это видео связано с подходом 2431.
Constellation Analysis is a tool used to clarify perceptions of different stakeholders about critical situations or problems and paves the way for better informed decision-making while facilitating a negotiated process of land management with potential changes/techniques. In workshops, participants visualize interrelationships between actors, as well as the associated natural, technical and regulatory factors.
A Análise da Constelação é uma metodologia usada para esclarecer percepções de diferentes partes interessadas sobre desafios ou situações críticas a fim de identificar caminhos para uma melhor tomada de decisões. Ao mesmo tempo esta abordagem facilita um processo deliberativo de gestão da terra e água, ou outros recursos e tomadas de decisão. Em oficinas, os participantes visualizam e discutem as inter-relações entre atores e fatores naturais, técnicos e regulatórios associados. Os tipos de relacionamentos indicam tanto as barreiras específicas como as oportunidades para mudança.
Participatory simulation to foster stakeholder dialogue in natural resource management, conciliate resource conflicts and facilitate participatory land use planning.
This video was produced by SuLaMa and WOCAT.
Simulation participative pour favoriser le dialogue entre les parties prenantes dans la gestion des ressources naturelles, concilier les conflits de ressources et faciliter la planification participative de l'utilisation des terres
This video was produced by SuLaMa and WOCAT.