Socio-Economic Atlas of Kenya

Depicting the National Population Census by County and Sub-Location

Urs Wiesmann, Boniface Kiteme, and Zachary Mwangi (2016)

The present Socio-Economic Atlas of Kenya is one of several reports developed based on the 2009 Kenya Population and Housing Census data set. It arrives at a crucial development juncture, following the development of the Second Medium Term Plan (2013–2017) and the upcoming post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals agenda. The development and implementation of these national development plans and other strategies will benefit greatly from the depiction and deep analysis of socio-economic indicators in this atlas. It is important to note from the outset that a number of other highly informative reports have been developed using data from the 2009 Kenya Population and Housing Census. The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics has produced a number of specific reports, most notably 13 monographs covering topics such as population distribution (four volumes); population dynamics and projections; migration; urbanization; labour dynamics; housing, amenities, and assets; education; disability; and gender dimensions. The Bureau has also published a National Census Atlas, and will soon publish a volume on the spatial dimensions of well-being. However, the present socio-economic atlas differs from these other publications in terms of its structure, its format of data application and presentation, and its high spatial resolution.


Socio-Economic Atlas of Kenya 2nd edition
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