Sustainable Land Management in Response to Land Degradation and Climate Change in Lao PDR

This video introduces the topic of land degradation and SLM and shows SLM practices from Lao PDR implemented by farmers. The video was produced by the National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI) Lao PDR in collaboration with WOCAT within the framework of the IFAD-funded project Scaling up SLM by smallholder farmers.

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SLM practices from Lao PDR are documented with the WOCAT Questionnaires and published in the SLM collection from Cambodia and the Global WOCAT SLM Database.

Collection of Sustainable Land Management Technologies - Practices by smallholder farmers in Lao PDR
Author: National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI) Lao PDR
Year: 2019
Languages: English, Lao
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Global WOCAT SLM Database

SLM practices from Lao PDR can be accessed online through the WOCAT Database.