Liquid compost is produced by chopping and mixing animal dung and fresh plant matter, including plants with insect-repellent properties, in an aqueous medium. This liquid compost can be used as a substitute for mineral fertilizers and for pest control in crops. It can be used on all types of crops, but is particularly suitable for market gardening.
Intercropping maize with legumes improves soil fertility and provides a rapid source of income for smallholders. Red cowpea, known locally as “lojy zazamena”, is the most widely used legume, but there are also other varieties of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) that adapt well to the region's environmental conditions.
Les terres cultivées sont résistantes au feu et peuvent servir de coupe-feu en raison de la présence d'humidité et du manque de combustible sec. La mise en place de coupures de combustible par l’agriculture permet de créer des paysages en mosaïque résistants aux incendies, tout en réduisant la dégradation des forêts et la déforestation.