The Montado/ Dehesa Agroforestry system contributes to carbon sequestration in Spain and Portugal. The SmartAG app helps in monitoring and management of these systems, providing data available to farmers, producers, and stakeholders.
Organic agriculture is a system of crop cultivation that uses biological methods of pest control and organic fertilizer as substitutes for chemical fertilizers and pesticides. It targets sustainability, enhancement of soil fertility, and biological diversity by aiming to close nutrient cycles while generally prohibiting synthetic pesticides, antibiotics, synthetic fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, and growth hormones.
Forests in headwater areas benefit water quality and hydrologic cycling. Furthermore, maintaining and restoring the forest cover in headwater catchments offers other, multiple benefits such as increased soil water retention, intercepted pollution pathways, improved soil, maintained biodiversity and captured carbon dioxide.
Intercropping of grain legumes with cereals is a sustainable agricultural practice in Swiss farming. This involves growing grain legumes (such as peas or beans) alongside cereal crops (like barley or wheat) in the same field, reducing crop failure or yield risk, stabilising the grain legumes, promoting biodiversity and enhancing overall crop yield.
In this approach the inclination of pasture land and its effect on the spread of sun and shadow is used to identify different periods for grazing. This simple approach will raise awareness and provides biological aspects in pasture management. In this approach the vegetation cover of the pasture is linked to the position of the sun. This is specific to mountain areas, where in one location vegetation periods can differ in two spots although they are in the same location.
Pasture calendar services the PUU as part of the implementation of the plan with a specific timeframe and activities. It helps communities in designing intervention with regard to the need of agreed activities in the calendar.
"Pasture and Livestock Management Plan" is a participatory approach which is guiding pasture users, members of Pasture User Unions and Pasture User Groups to develop their action plan on pasture and livestock management. The approach brings together stakeholders, who are involved at any stage in pasture management or can contribute to or impede the implementation of the pasture livestock management plan.
L'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'Alimentation et l'Agriculture (la FAO) a employé une démarche participative pour restaurer des terres dégradées au Sahel à grande échelle. Les communautés ont joué un rôle essentiel dans l’exécution du programme. Dans le cadre de l'Initiative de la Grande Muraille Verte, des espèces d’arbres indigènes, des arbustes et des graminées fourragères ont été plantés dans les terres agro-sylvo-pastorales pour répondre aux besoins et aux préférences des communautés, tout en assurant que les espèces et les variétés végétales seront toutes appropriées aux conditions écologiques.
A private-public partnership overcomes constraints that vegetable farmers encounter when adopting novel SLM technologies and Good Agricultural Practices. The private sector helps with marketing, value addition, certification, and financial support. The public sector fulfils farmer training needs through (for example) Farmer Field Schools using digital platforms.
Les champs-écoles de pasteurs améliorent les moyens de subsistance et la résilience des communautés de pasteurs à travers un processus d'apprentissage expérimental et participatif concret. Ce sont des «écoles sans murs», introduisant de bonnes pratiques agricoles et commerciales, tout en s'appuyant sur les savoirs locaux. L'approche des CEP s'appuie complètement sur les principes de l'apprentissage par la découverte, pour traiter un large éventail de problématiques affectant les moyens de subsistance des pasteurs.
The cut stump technology is probably the most effective means of killing mature Prosopis trees using the herbicide Triclon with active ingredients Triclopyr 480g/l . Stems are cut with a chainsaw as close to the ground as possible and the herbicide is applied to the stump within three minutes of cutting using a paintbrush. The young plants with less than 2 cm root collar diameter should be uprooted by hand. The treatment is repeated after three months on resprouting stumps.
A community-led participatory approach is being implemented in West Bengal to revive and regenerate a broken and degraded landscape through sustainable land management. Local people take the lead in both action and the development of a long-term management plan.
Технология использование экосанитарные туалеты состоит в том, что протцесс выполнение туалета идёт с раздельным сбором урины и фекалий и их последующимиспользованием в качестве удобрений. Практика внедрения и работы экосанитарных (или «сухих») туалетов показала их важное значение врешении проблемы загрязнения человеком окружающей среды на бытовом уровне.
Дождевальная технология облегчает ручной труд фермера и улучшет процес фотосинтеза путем смывания с листьев пыля за счет этого рост и развитие растении цитрусовых культур.
Технология заключается в том, что в некоторые годы зима очень засушливая. Для посадки саженцев почва не готова, по этому после разбивки участка надо копать лунки и заполнять их водой каждую. Через пару дней почва хорошо впитывает воду и уже можно сажать саженцев
В технологии приводится описание виноградников на воише: как кусты формировать, и устройство шпалеры, тип обрезки, схема посадки и Агро уход.
В технологии приводятся данные по эффективному использованию земель под сады путем посадки на 1 га 2083 -2500 шт. саженцев по схеме 4,0 х 1,2м. 4,0 х 1.0 м. и получить от 30 до 40 тонн урожая с сохраняя экосистемы. Технология применялась в фермерском хозяйстве «Асадулло» на площади более 150 га. Природные условия богарные и поливные под капельным орошением сады и виноградники. Землепользователи занимаются в основном садоводствам и виноградарством, от которых получают хорошие доходы.
La tecnología consiste en un sistema agrosilvopastoril con árboles de Pinus cembroides (pino piñonero) alineados een bordos ─en un terreno con suelos calizos previamente subsoleado─ conformando melgas (callejones) para con cultivos anuales para grano y forraje, con pastoreo libre eventual por períodos muy breves.
Amendement sableux consiste à améliorer la fertilité de sol pour améliorer la production.
old grape tree (30 years old) grow under drip irrigation, each plant have 4 dripper with discharge about 2L/hr. plant grow on terraces which covered with plant residues at November to reduce water evaporation and for weed control. grape trees covered with plastic sheet for early production. control of plant diseases is doing under specific regulation for importation
Fruit trees of Mangoes (Mangifera indica) and Oranges (Citrus sinensis) are grown on degraded land to improve soil fertility through deep soil nutrient mining and litter of leaves.
Fish farming supported by availability of water is considered as profitable enterprise in Northern Uganda. Farmers use areas with either high water tables or swamps to locate the ground water recharged fish ponds and water for fish production and crop irrigation during the dry season.
Integrated crop-livestock production for improved soil fertility management. Local cows are tied to trees to facilitate manure collection.
Growing of rattan is done by upland farmers as part of the Community-Based Forest Management (CBFM).
Charcoal production from invasive Prosopis juliflora has several objectives. It has been promoted to control the spread and reduce the abundance of invasive Juliflora while generating income opportunities for poor rural households producing and selling charcoal. Wood pyrolysis is an efficient, environmentally friendly charcoal production technology through indirect heating of wood at high temperatures with the release of water vapor.