Making sense of research for sustainable land management

The new book ‘Making sense of research for sustainable land management’ published by CDE/WOCAT and UFZ is based on the work of more than 600 scientists and synthesizes experiences and practice-relevant results from a 7year German funded international research programme on interactions between land management, climate change, and ecosystems and their services. It includes 30 technologies and approaches documented using WOCAT standardized tools. It was launched on 5 December 2016 at the CBD COP13 in Cancun, Mexico. 

The book provides evidence of how practices of sustainable land management – existing as well as new – can be adapted to specific local and regional contexts. It shows how research can support decision makers and advisors from a variety of sectors - at national, regional, and local levels - in comprehending the complexity of sustainable land management. It assists them in identifying and developing suitable solutions for prevention or restoration of land degradation, improvement of yields, increasing resilience in production systems, and making water management more efficient. A special focus targets measures for climate change adaptation and mitigation.

Suggested reference:

Liniger, HP., Mekdaschi Studer, R., Moll, P., Zander, U. 2017. Making sense of research for sustainable land management. Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern, Switzerland and Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research GmbH – UFZ, Leipzig, Germany.


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Making sense of research for sustainable land management Videos
Year: 2016
Languages: English, French, German, Malagasy, Portuguese
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Practices documented in the Global SLM Database

The practices documented in the publication can also be viewed in the WOCAT Global SLM Database.