The approach focuses on supporting farmers to increase productivity by increasing soil biology and organic matter content, primarily through plant residue and animal waste. Awareness and advocacy are followed by training programs and support for adopting regenerative agricultural practices.
In this approach the inclination of pasture land and its effect on the spread of sun and shadow is used to identify different periods for grazing. This simple approach will raise awareness and provides biological aspects in pasture management. In this approach the vegetation cover of the pasture is linked to the position of the sun. This is specific to mountain areas, where in one location vegetation periods can differ in two spots although they are in the same location.
Pasture calendar services the PUU as part of the implementation of the plan with a specific timeframe and activities. It helps communities in designing intervention with regard to the need of agreed activities in the calendar.
"Pasture and Livestock Management Plan" is a participatory approach which is guiding pasture users, members of Pasture User Unions and Pasture User Groups to develop their action plan on pasture and livestock management. The approach brings together stakeholders, who are involved at any stage in pasture management or can contribute to or impede the implementation of the pasture livestock management plan.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has been using a participatory approach to implement large-scale restoration of degraded land in the Sahel. Communities have been central to the programme. In the framework of the Great Green Wall initiative, adapted and useful native tree species, shrubs, and fodder grasses are planted in agro-sylvo-pastoral land. This is response to community needs and preferences while ensuring that the species and varieties are all ecologically suitable.
A private-public partnership overcomes constraints that vegetable farmers encounter when adopting novel SLM technologies and Good Agricultural Practices. The private sector helps with marketing, value addition, certification, and financial support. The public sector fulfils farmer training needs through (for example) Farmer Field Schools using digital platforms.
Pastoralist field schools improve livelihoods and resilience of pastoral communities through a process of hands-on experimental and participatory learning. They are "schools without walls" that introduce good agricultural and marketing practices while building on local knowledge. The PFS approach builds heavily on the basic principles of discovery based learning to address a wide range of issues affecting pastoral livelihoods.
A community-led participatory approach is being implemented in West Bengal to revive and regenerate a broken and degraded landscape through sustainable land management. Local people take the lead in both action and the development of a long-term management plan.
Improving crop varieties is crucial for food security and climate resilience, but traditional methods are slow and expensive. The Speed Breeding Platform shortens breeding time substantially, enhances quality, and relies on strong partnerships between NARES and CGIAR centers.
Хөрсний үржил шим, бүтээмжийн тогтвортой байдлыг хангах хамгааллын газар тариалангийн технологийг залуу тариаланчдад танилцуулах, сургах замаар газар тариалангийн салбар дахь тогтвортой байдлыг хангах арга барил.
A sacred grove is considered to be the home of the Local Deity of a region and is revered and protected by the people with respect and dedication. Here, a sacred grove of trees and undisturbed ground surround a majestic blue pine that is believed to be more than 350 years old.
The Darla dairy cooperative is an example of where farmers come together to form collective organizations for production, collection, transportation, processing, and marketing of milk and dairy products. These are business models operated as member-owned and member-controlled organizations.
The improved pasture development approach focuses on enhancing pasture productivity, which is managed sustainably for grazing. Livestock productivity depends greatly on improved pastures. It is very important to manage pastures to support the livelihoods of rural communities in Bhutan.
Organic agriculture includes a variety of farming systems that advance the sustainable production of food and fibres, prioritizing human health, and environmental, social, and economic aspects. The main objective of the model village approach is to promote the commercialization of organic farm produce.
Community mobilization in implementing sustainable land management technologies is indispensable in engaging the community to identify their priorities, resources, needs and solutions. It ultimately promotes bottom-up participation and fosters accountability.
Participatory SLM action planning is an approach that identifies community-based and land-based issues and challenges, establishes the root causes, and finds out mitigation measures to address the issues for enhancing rural livelihoods.
The public-private-community partnerships (PPCP) approach is a synergistically operational model that is used to achieve sustainable development in which the three parties jointly develop a business unit/service of mutual benefit and provide maximum benefit to the wider community. This approach is designed to enable economically disabled households and community organizations to generate long-term benefits through sustainable agriculture - in this case hazelnut production.
The Agricultural Landscape Approach in Sustainable Land Management is a holistic and integrated strategy that focuses on managing agricultural landscapes in a sustainable manner. The approach was successfully initiated in Namlaythang village and transformed the whole agricultural landscape covering 107 acres (43 ha) while benefitting 55 resettled households.
The approach involves a group of farmers implementing an improved dairy system. The system incorporates practices and technologies that enhance animal welfare, reduce environmental impact, and increase production.
The integrated model farm approach to organic farming incorporates various agricultural practices and technologies to optimize productivity and maximize sustainability while reducing negative environmental impacts.
This approach compensates land users annually for taking care of a water source and its surroundings. The source is being looked after by two groups of environmental service providers and water is supplied to seven gewogs and Damphu Municipality in the Tsirang Dzongkhag.
The Zhasela Community Forest (CF) in Lhuentse covers an area of approximately 208 acres (83 ha). The Zhasela CF Management Group (CFMG), consisting of members of 15 households, has been formed for sustainable utilization and management of forest resources, protection of water sources, and income generation through the sale of sustainable forest products to reduce poverty.
In the past, it was difficult for households to complete seasonal farming activities like ploughing, sowing, and transplanting in time. So, land users came together by adopting 'latsab' or labour sharing. This involves pooling land users, who work on a rotational basis on the plots of the different group members. Labour sharing is a very old approach but is still being practiced throughout the country.
Climate change has become inevitable, and there is a need to address this impending danger. In the Climate-Smart Village (CSV) approach, land users in Ngaru-Pongtang have implemented several technologies and innovations to address climate change impacts, and the programme has worked with 50 households on a total area of 137 acres (55 ha).
The Land Use Certification (LUC) commenced in 2015 as the new allocation system for land and provided a new title of land tenure. Initially, LUC focused on allotting land to Government institutions and Gerab Dratshang (monastic bodies). However, LUC later focused on the unemployed youth who were interested in commercial farming.