The project “Scaling up experiential learning tools for sustainable water governance in India” aimed at enhancing sustainable water management at scale by improving the capacities of 1,500 rural communities covering 105,000 households directly and 2,000 communities covering 140,000 households indirectly in six Indian states to manage water more sustainably. This was achieved through experiential learning from collective action games, structured community debriefings, and participatory water planning tools that contribute to greater awareness and improved governance, inducing behavioural change toward more sustainable water governance and management. The work was jointly conducted by the Foundation for Ecological Security, India (FES), the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT).
Artificial reseeding is a key method for restoring degraded rangelands. It involves reintroducing native, palatable fodder species to improve vegetation cover, soil health, and biodiversity. This process boosts forage for grazing animals, stabilizes soil, and helps combat desertification, enhancing ecosystem health and productivity.
An integrated community-led initiative has been established to restore the degraded forests in Paktya province. This initiative focuses on setting up nurseries and incorporates both indigenous and scientific knowledge to cultivate climate-resilient species, such as Cedrus deodara and Pinus gerardiana. These efforts have enhanced the community’s knowledge and skills in sapling production and transplantation, leading to significant improvements in the productivity of these key species, which holds substantial ecological, social, culture, and economic value.
Water exploitation is a major issue in Afghanistan, and this technology helps to irrigate an afforestation/agroforestry area (demonstration plot) using surface water (rivers) and solar-powered submersible pump. The construction of reservoirs at the demo plot site ensures efficient water storage and use for irrigation purposes without relying on groundwater. A well-designed pipe irrigation scheme is implemented to distribute water evenly across the site, supporting plant irrigation and growth.
Community-driven reforestation initiative that involves awareness-raising, capacity building, feasibility analysis, and collaboration among various stakeholders to address land degradation and promote sustainable forest and rangeland management
Restoring degraded rangelands through quarantine in Qadis district, Badghis Afghanistan
A field at risk for erosion by water is divided so that a grass strip prevents soil loss and further damage to the field and the streets during a heavy rainfall.
Robusta coffee in the Central Highlands of Vietnam is intercropped with pepper vines and fruit trees thus increasing the total planting density. This leads to higher land equivalent ratios compared to monocropping, thereby increasing land use efficiency, profitability, soil protection and resilience.
An outreach programme aims to educate farmers about the benefits of ploughing rice stubble into the soil and incorporating green manure crops such as sunn hemp - as well as other sustainable practices. Groups of farmers are formed, and they are assisted by various organisations including the Land Development Department and volunteer "soil doctors".
In response to changing environmental conditions, it can be valuable to adopt new plant varieties that offer benefits such as drought tolerance. The technology described covers one such response in Switzerland.
The technology integrates off-grid soil-less cultivation within a net house, utilizing solar-powered root zone cooling and ultra-low energy irrigation, thus significantly enhancing water and energy efficiency for sustainable agriculture in arid regions. This innovation is a key contribution within the Water-Energy-Food Nexus, addressing the unique challenges of food production in the Middle East.
Reconstitution of soils is a pedotechnique based on the treatment of organic and non-organic pedomaterials to achieve benefits in areas with barren, degraded, desertified and/ or sealed soils.
There are opportunities for robust forest management strategies in Germany to enhance land-based climate change mitigation. Through targeted measures, forest management can contribute to the continuous uptake of CO2 from the atmosphere by trees, and to the increase of carbon stocks in living and dead biomass, as well as in the soil.
This organic agriculture technology combines reduced tillage with organic farming practices to enhance soil health, increase carbon sequestration, and maintain sustainable agricultural productivity.
The riparian zone is the buffer area between a watercourse and the adjacent land. Healthy riparian ecosystems stabilise the banks, maintain the microclimate, protect against flooding, filter chemicals and improve both biodiversity and water quality.
Liquid compost is produced by chopping and mixing animal dung and fresh plant matter, including plants with insect-repellent properties, in an aqueous medium. This liquid compost can be used as a substitute for mineral fertilizers and for pest control in crops. It can be used on all types of crops, but is particularly suitable for market gardening.
Intercropping maize with legumes improves soil fertility and provides a rapid source of income for smallholders. Red cowpea, known locally as “lojy zazamena”, is the most widely used legume, but there are also other varieties of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) that adapt well to the region's environmental conditions.
Les terres cultivées sont résistantes au feu et peuvent servir de coupe-feu en raison de la présence d'humidité et du manque de combustible sec. La mise en place de coupures de combustible par l’agriculture permet de créer des paysages en mosaïque résistants aux incendies, tout en réduisant la dégradation des forêts et la déforestation.
Sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea) has been promoted by the Land Development Department as a green manure plant with the objectives of increasing soil organic matter, improving soil fertility and reducing salinity levels.
Plantation pits are water harvesting structures which capture rainfall runoff for planting trees and shrubs. They can also be manually watered. Their size varies, but each plantation pit is approximately 2 metres x 1 metre wide and up to 1 metre deep.
Shallow tillage involves disturbing the upper layer of soil without deep ploughing. It aims to provide a good seedbed, incorporate manure, control weeds, and enhance water infiltration while minimizing soil erosion and compaction. A machine tiller has recently replaced animal traction for this purpose.
Beekeeping is an activity which involves maintenance of bee colonies by using man-made hives within a selected forest area which provides the required feed and habitat resources required by bees. Through beekeeping, trees are conserved as they provide flowers hence ensuring feeds for bees. Beekeeping is used as an approach of protecting forest reserves against encroachments. Bee products, produced within the value chain, improve the livelihoods of beekeepers and communities at large while conserving the environment at the same time.
An urban community forestry park – the “Ked Forest Park” - has been established by a group of people who wanted to conserve and develop resources and the environment in Phra Pradaeng District. Planting and maintenance of indigenous, edible and medicinal plants are carried out.
Shallow tillage involves disturbing the upper layer of soil without deep ploughing. It aims to provide a good seedbed, incorporate manure, control weeds, and enhance water infiltration while minimizing soil erosion and compaction. A machine tiller has recently replaced animal traction for this purpose.
Peatland rewetting is a climate change mitigation technology that involves raising and maintaining high water tables in agricultural peatland through controlled drainage. It reduces soil subsidence and CO2 emissions while preserving biodiversity. This technology offers environmental benefits but faces challenges in policy support and economic viability.