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G20 GLI Training of Instructors workshop for the Arab States!

WOCAT and partners are inviting participants to the upcoming Training of Instructors (ToI) workshop for the Arab Region! This virtual event will take place from 3–6 February 2025 and is part of the G20 GLI "Trigger Change! Innovative Sustainable Agriculture Solutions for Land Restoration" course. The workshop empowers instructors with essential tools, knowledge, and networking opportunities to bring SLM and land restoration education into their classrooms. Attendees will have the chance to explore interactive modules, hear from global experts, and engage in virtual field experiences that illustrate transformative SLM practices in action.

More information on "Trigger Change!" here

» More information and registration for Arab States Workshop here


Join us at UNCCD COP16

The sixteenth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP16) of the UNCCD is taking place in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, from 2-13 December 2024. The UNCCD is the world’s foremost platform for governments, businesses and civil society to come together and to discuss present-day challenges and chart a sustainable future for land. This year's COP coincides with the Convention's 30th anniversary. WOCAT and partners are present and contributing to different sessions and side events.

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G20 GLI Training of Instructors workshop for Southeast Asia

WOCAT and partners are inviting participants to the upcoming Training of Instructors (ToI) workshop for Southeast Asia! This virtual event will take place from November 25 to 29, 2024 and is part of the G20 GLI "Trigger Change! Innovative Sustainable Agriculture Solutions for Land Restoration" course. The workshop empowers instructors with essential tools, knowledge, and networking opportunities to bring SLM and land restoration education into their classrooms. Attendees will have the chance to explore interactive modules, hear from global experts, and engage in virtual field experiences that illustrate transformative SLM practices in action.

More information and course material available here.

» Registration for Southeast Asia Workshop here
CBD COP16 side event Trigger Change!

WOCAT and its consortium partner CDE are hosting a side event at the sixteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP16) in Cali, Colombia: Wednesday, 23 October at 15:00 in COCORA room Plaza One. The primary objective of this side event is to promote the “Trigger change” courses covering a variety of topics related to land restoration, e.g. the recently launched course "Trigger Change! Sustainable Agriculture Solutions for Land Restoration" (read more). This side event will serve as a platform to promote innovative educational initiatives, share knowledge, and foster collaborations that contribute to sustainable land management and biodiversity conservation.

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Second FAO Drylands Summer School in Nairobi Kenya

The 2nd Dryland Summer School was held at CIFOR-ICRAF campus, Nairobi, Kenya. This year's theme was “Monitoring Restoration in Agrosilvopastoral Systems for Sustainability and Ecosystem Services.” FAO and key partners have organized the Summer School and trained 27 participants from 15 countries for resilient drylands and transformative land management. Like last year, WOCAT was a key partner at the event and was represented by Lehman Lindeque from South Africa. During the session on introducing Participatory Monitoring Systems, Lehman introduced the SLM Progress Calculator (SLM PC) to the participants. The SLM PC is a unique monitoring tool to measure the progress and impact of agroecological and environmental rehabilitation and development-related projects.

» Read more about the SLM Progress Calculator
Desertification and Drought Day (DDD) 2024

On the DDD we emphasize the transformative power of Sustainable Land Management to avoid, reduce, and reverse land degradation. This year's global observance is hosted in Bonn, Germany, through the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and supported by GIZ, bringing together civil society, international organisations, private sector, academia and government responsible for cooperation and action. Nicole Harari from the WOCAT Executive Team will discuss about building a sustainable future for the next generations by learning from experiences and best practices.

» Join us online!
ProSoil events for Desertification and Drought Day 2024

Related to this year's Desertification and Drought Day, GIZ ProSoil is organizing three online Events:

12 June: Assessing the Economics of Land Degradation: A case study from Tunisia. More infos

25 June: Lessons from a decade of implementing a transformative approach to soil protection and rehabilitation in Benin. More info

5 July: 10 Years of ProSoil: Sharing knowledge on good practices in soil protection and rehabilitation through the WOCAT Database. More infos

» Read more about ProSoil
Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health Summit 2024

The Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health (AFSH) Summit 2024 will take place from May 7 to 9 at the Kenyatta International Conference Centre in Nairobi, Kenya. The goal of the AFSH Summit is to bring together the African Heads of State, high-ranking government officials, policy makers, private-sector players and civil society organizations. In addition, representatives of famer organizations and development agencies, scholars, researchers and representatives of donor organizations also take part. Explore WOCAT Consortium Partners’ events during the Summit:

ISRIC, Alliance Bioversity-CIAT

» Read more
AfrioCAT learning event: SLM practices and tenure in the Sub-Saharan Africa context

Together with several AfrioCAT partners, WOCAT organized an online learning event on SLM and land tenure. The event targeted SLM practitioners, who are interested in learning and contributing to a better understanding of the dynamic relationship between land tenure and the specific SLM practices implemented at the grassroots. The workshop materials are now available online.

» Find out more


WOCAT participation at the UNCCD CRIC21

The twenty-first session of the Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention (#CRIC21) to the UNCCD will take place from 13 to 17 November in Samarkand, Uzbekistan! Together with our partners, WOCAT will contribute to various side events, showcasing our efforts in assisting countries in enhancing LDN monitoring and reporting, promoting South-South collaboration, and advancing integrated land use planning. The WOCAT Global Network will express its role in supporting data generation and knowledge sharing on LD & SLM best practices and capacity building, in collaboration with the UNCCD and other partners.

» Read more about WOCAT events @ CRIC21
Webinar on LADA and WOCAT

Join us for the webinar on “Using the Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands (LADA) and WOCAT for scaling up good land management practices in Asia” on 17-18 October from 1:30 to 3:30PM GMT+7 (Bangkok time). In addition to raising awareness on the use of the WOCAT Database for the reporting SLM good practices and other related WOCAT-FAO tools for mapping land degradation and SLM, the webinar aims to increase the contribution of countries and projects to the WOCAT Database to enhance knowledge sharing.

» Go to webinar
FAO/ IYRP Drylands Summer School

WOCAT, in partnership with the International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists 2026 and the FAO Committee on Forestry Working Group on Dryland Forests and Agrosilvopastoral Systems (COFO WG), is holding a summer school ​session ​to explore transformative approaches to building climate resilient dryland systems. FAO/IYRP dryland summer school 12-15 Sept 2023 in Jordan. WOCAT SLM expert Rima Mekdaschi Studer will be conducting the field say. 

» More information and the application form here
Learning session on "Collecting & Disseminating Good Practices on Ecosystem Restoration"

Join WOCAT for the learning session from the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration taking place this 22 June 2023, 16:30 EAT / 13:30 GMT!

The WOCAT Global Database, LIFE GoProFor and Panorama Solutions are coming together on one platform called the Framework for Ecosystem Restoration Monitoring (FERM), developed by FAO and partners. FERM serves as a platform to monitor, collect, and disseminate good restoration practices from around the globe.

Discover more about these platforms and the importance of sharing good practices to foster knowledge exchange and enhance the skills of restoration practitioners.

The learning session content and direction are developed and curated by FAO led Task Force on Best Practice & Monitoring Task Force, GIZ, IUCN, LIFE GoProFor, Paronama Solutions and WOCAT.

» Register for the learning session here
Her Land. Her Rights: Advancing Gender Equality and Land Restoration Goals

On 16 June 2023 at 10:00 to 13:00 CET, looking forward to the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought (17th June), the UN event “Her Land. Her Rights: Advancing Gender Equality and Land Restoration Goals” has been organized in the General Assembly Hall of the United Nations Headquarters (New York) and will be livecast from the UN Web TV.

The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), UN Women, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) will bring together leaders and gender equality champions to discuss policies and actions needed to advance women’s land rights and promote stronger female leadership and decision-making power in sustainable land management.

» Tune in the UN livecast at 10:00 CET from here
The Land Restoration Course Designed to "Trigger Change!"

18 University professors, sustainable agriculture and land restoration experts from around the world have met on 5-8 June at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences (TH Köln) in Germany to design a course that « is global in scope, but not cast in stone. It should be flexible to be spread around the word, initiating a collective push through towards the target of reaching one million trainees in 20 years » (Dr. Muralee Thummarukudy @G20 Global Land Initiative).

The course “Trigger change! Innovative agriculture solutions for land restoration” will start mid-2024 and will be focused on sustainable agriculture and innovation as vehicles for land restoration, contributing to a new generation of innovators.

» Read the full announcement here
WOCAT Workshop for ACReSAL in Nigeria

The Water Harvesting Explorer (WHE) is a decision support tool developed with funding from the World Bank to explore the opportunities for small-scale rainwater harvesting and water storage in the landscapes of the Western Sahel. To find these potential intervention measures the tool is linked to the WOCAT global SLM database. On 8.5.2023 and in the framework of the ACReSAL (AGRO-CLIMATIC RESILIENCE IN SEMI-ARID LANDSCAPES) World Bank project in Nigeria, WOCAT held a webinar to introduce WOCAT, good practices documentation and how to populate the global SLM database with more and diverse RWH practices which serves as basis for informed decision making using the WHE tool.

» Try the Water Harvesting Explorer
WOCAT Database webinar in Portuguese

On 31 May, FAO Brazil, the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change of Brazil and WOCAT jointly organized a webinar in Portuguese. One goal of the webinar was to introduce the WOCAT Global SLM Database and highlight its availability in Portuguese. The other was to discuss jointly how to expand global access to the SLM good practices and actions carried out in Portuguese-speaking countries around the globe.

» Re-watch the recorded webinar here
Solutions for a D(r)ying World – and reaching land degradation neutrality by 2030?

Climate change, biodiversity, desertification – what connects ? Do we have the knowledge and tools for effective Sustainable Land Management? How can we work together to restore land and boost resilience ?

These questions were explored during the joint panel discussion with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the CDE (WOCAT Consortium Partner) and with the exceptional presence of Mr. Ibrahim Thiaw, Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the UNCCD.

» Find more information and the agenda here
UNCCD-FAO land tenure webinars for all stakeholders

FAO and UNCCD jointly organized a regional webinar on integrating land tenure into restoration initiatives from 15-17 May. These webinars aimed to raise awareness on the value of tenure security and its contribution to biodiversity conservation, sustainable land management, ecosystem restoration, and climate change mitigation and adaptation while improving food security and local livelihoods. The first day focused on Africa/Arab region, the second on Latin America/ Caribbean, and the third day on Central-East Europe/ Asia/ Pacific.

» More information here
2nd GEO-LDN Monthly Online Seminar

The 2nd seminar organised by GEO LDN took place on April 25. It was focusing on "National Approaches to Mapping Land Degradat. The speakers, including WOCAT SLM and LDN expert Ingrid Teich, shared their experiences on participatory processes to improve maps of land degradation and estimations of SDG indicator 15.3.

The seminar was recorded and can be watched here.

» Read more about the GEO-LDN Seminars
Roundtable Discussion Series on Sustainable Food and Agriculture Systems in Southeast Asia

SEARCA and Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas jointly organized the Roundtable Discussion Series, which discussed the current state of digital economies in agriculture, the status of carbon farming in Southeast Asia, the challenges and opportunities in the field, and the role that technology and innovation can play in creating a more sustainable future. Isabelle Providoli and Eleanor Milne (both WOCAT associated researchers) represented WOCAT in panel 5 on “Education, capacity building and partnerships”.

» Read more about the Roundtable Discussion series
Official launch of the FAO e-learning course: Transformational approach to sustainability

The course will build the competencies needed to transform the way practitioners manage dryland forests, with a focus on increasing sustainability whilst retaining the benefits of other interventions. It targets programme and project managers, field practitioners, policy makers and anyone interested in sustainable development of drylands. The launch event will took place on Zoom on 29 March, and included high-level speakers, experts and partners who discussed some of the course’s topics in detail.

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Mapping Land Degradation and SLM workshop for ProSoil Countries

On February 28th WOCAT organized a workshop with GIZ for the seven ProSoil countries and its national partners. The workshop introduced participants to the WOCAT-FAO Mapping Questionnaire (QM), showed them examples of the application of the QM around the globe and participants discussed its utilization in the ProSoil project landscapes. Furthermore, the concept of convergence of evidence was presented, participants familiarized with the use of Google Earth Engine (GEE) in the context of land degradation, SLM and LDN, and the GEE decision support apps for LDN showcased.

» Visit the GEE decision support apps


Leaders to Launch International Drought Resilience Alliance at COP 27

World leaders launched a new alliance to boost drought resilience on Monday, 7 November 2022, at the Sharm el-Sheikh Climate Change Conference in Egypt. The high-level launch event, jointly convened by Senegal and Spain, titled, International Drought Resilience Alliance, took place from 17:00-18:00hrs local time.

World leaders recognize the urgent need to shift drought management approaches from the current emergency response to resilience. The Alliance is envisioned as a collaborative platform to rally political momentum and trigger actions that support countries, cities, and communities to enable this shift and significantly reduce their vulnerability, impact and exposure to extreme drought.

According to the latest Drought in Numbers report compiled by the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), droughts have increased in frequency by 29 percent since 2000, with some 55 million people affected every year. Recent droughts in Australia, Europe, western United States, Chile, the Horn and Southern Africa, show that no country is immune to drought. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) projects that droughts will be more frequent, severe and last longer. Climate change bears much of the responsibility, but so does how we manage our land and water resources. The IPCC estimates that three out of every four people in the world will be living in drier, water-scare conditions by 2050.

» Watch the recorded session of 7th November World Leaders Summit
Scenarios 4 Integrated Land Use Planning (S4ILUP) Workshop Series

In November the workshop series "Scenarios for Integrated Land Use Planning (S4ILUP)" focused on horizontal integration between the different areas of ILUP as well as vertical integration to address common challenges and needs in evidence-based decision-making on land.

S4ILUP has formed by partners from UNCCD, FAO, the ELD Initiative, the GEO-LDN Initiative and WOCAT to identify challenges and best practices, facilitate the dialogue between data users and providers, support the development and accessibility of better tools for ILUP.

14th November: Experts and Practitioners in Land use planning - Identifying needs of users of land and data involved in ILUP processes.

15th November: Technical provider side - Analyzing academia and data provider approaches and tools.

23rd November: Joint session for all workshop members, providing the opportunity to discuss outcomes and kick-start development of a cross-sectoral ILUP network.

» Read more
WOCAT and the UNCCD : Your Source of Knowledge on Agroecology Good Practices ?

During the 2022 International civil society Summit «Desertif'actions» (5 to 8 October in Montpellier) WOCAT and UNCCD helt a joint session on tools, knowledge, partnership and services to bring Sustainable Land Management and Agroecology to scale by context. The session started at 18.00 local time and Dr. Rima Mekdaschi Studer, SLM expert of the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) at University of Bern, presented "WOCAT: Good Practices and an Open Network - Bringing SLM/Agroecology to Scale" and moderate the panel discussion.

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FAO–GLF Digital Forum: Transforming Agrifood Systems with Forests

As part of the the FAO driven 8th World Forest Week, global partners and participants will engage in the virtual knowledge exchange "Transforming Agrifood Systems with Forests" #COFO26 by the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF). The event is aimed at promoting best practices to enhance synergies through agroforestry and towards restoration of agrosilvopastoral lands, as well as the adoption of innovative approaches and technologies supporting integrated landscape planning and informed decision-making.
Ingrid Teich, WOCAT/CDE SLM Expert, will partake as speaker during the 29/9 15:50–17:00 CEST (UTC+2) session, themed "How to improve decision making using better data and the latest tools?". 
Simultaneous interpretation will be available in EN, FR and ES. 
Follow #COFO26 and the 8th World Forest Week also on Twitter and Facebook!

» Register to the FAO-GLF Digital Forum here
Webinars Series on Rainwater Harvesting (May - December 2022)

Rainwater Harvesting is considered a valuable water source, particularly in arid and semi-arid areas across the world. This webinars series organized by FAO/WEPS-NENA project & Water Scarcity Initiative aims to provide an overview of rainwater harvesting applications and illustrates, with country examples, the diversity of approaches. 

On May 31, Rima Mekdaschi Studer (WOCAT SLM Expert) represented WOCAT in the 1st session of the series (M1/S1: Setting the Scene) and presented the WOCAT Water Harvesting Book.  

» Read more
WOCAT Participation at the UNCCD COP15

The UNCCD COP15 was themed “Land. Life. Legacy: From scarcity to prosperity” and involved many events with WOCAT's participation.

» Read more about WOCAT events @ COP15
June 17: Desertification and Drought Day

This year's theme of the International Day Against Desertification, and Drought is "Rising up from drought together". It emphasises the need of an early action to avoid disastrous consequences for humanity and the planetary ecosystems.

» Read more about the World Day Against Desertification and Drought


Documentation of SLM Technologies and Approaches

The Sri Lanka Conservation Approaches and Technologies (SRICAT) is organizing a workshop with the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations on "Documentation of sustainable land management approaches and technologies" to develop a platform among relevant government agencies, private organizations and individuals to share their SLM experience in Sri Lanka. Visit our channels for more information.  

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How WOCAT-FAO use Google Earth Engine Apps to map Land Degradation

The event is organized by Crowd2Map Tanzania and is happening 29 November from 12-13h30 CET. WOCAT and FAO Geospatial specialists, Ingrid Teich and César Luis Garcia will demonstrate how they map land degradation and share UNCCD recommended methodology as well as methodologies for participatory mapping of degradation from our Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands project. Youth mappers and more - join us!

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GEF Dryland Sustainable Landscapes Impact Program

On November 18th, the Global Environment Facility Dryland Sustainable Landscapes Impact Program (DSL IP) was presented during the COFO Working Group on Dryland Forests and Agrosilvopastoral Systems. The DSL IP is implemented in 11 countries, globally coordinated by FAO in collaboration with two executing partners, IUCN and WOCAT. If you are interested to know more, please subscribe to the newsletter here

» Learn more about the DSL IP
Scaling-up community driven innovations for inclusive climate change adaptation

Join us for the IFAD event at COP26 where practitioners discuss approaches that value diversity, local knowledge and experimentations and the key lessons for scaling them up and delivering to the last mile.

Among the Panelists: Nicole Harari, WOCAT Executive Team member

» Read more
Tools4LDN workshop with Colombia

On 7 September 2021, the first Tools4LDN workshop took place with more than 45 experts representing various national and international institutions, as well as decision makers from the public sector. The participants discussed the importance of data validation and the possibilities to integrate national information and expert knowledge in Colombia´s assessment of land degradation.

A series of upcoming training sessions on different Tools for LDN are planned to include Trends.Earth, LandPKS and the WOCAT SLM data base.

» Learn more about Tools4LDN
Desertification and Drought Day 2021

The 2021 Desertification and Drought Day  held on 17 June will focus on turning degraded land into healthy land.

Land restoration can contribute greatly to post-COVID19 economic recovery. Investing in land restoration creates jobs and generates economic benefits, and could provide livelihoods at a time when hundreds of millions of jobs are being lost.  Ibrahim Thiaw, UNCCD Executive Secretary.

» more information
WOCAT and UNCCD event 'Restoring Life to the Land' for the UNDER launch, June 1 2021

As part of the official launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (UNDER) we presented our 'Restoring Life to the Land - the Role of SLM in Ecosystem Restoration' joint publication with the UNCCD. Panelists from the WOCAT network, namely ICIMOD, ICARDA, Uganda Landcare Network and NGO GREAD Niger, shared their experiences in SLM good practices implementation on the ground to support ecosystem restoration.

» download the summary publication here
FAO-led Task Force on Best Practices UNDER event, June 1 2021

Join us for the Launchpad 'Disseminating knowledge and developing capacities for the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030: A Task Force on Best Practices. This session will bintroduce the key products developed by the task force, including a set of guiding principles for Ecosystem Restoration, the key findings of a global capacity needs assessment, and the template of good practice, followed by a panel discussion on knowledge dissemination.

» missed the event? watch it here
GLF Africa - Restoring Africa's Drylands, 2-3 June 2021

On 2-3 June 2021, GLF hosted the first-ever digital conference focused entirely on Africa’s drylands and how integrative restoration practices can see them flourish once again.

» Missed the event? Watch the session on ‘Building partnerships for rangeland restoration in Africa’ with a contribution of WOCAT here
Workshop on Monitoring climate benefits of sustainable land management

On 27-29 April 2021 the Climate-Soil Community of Practice (CoP) initiated by GIZ and the 4 per 1000 Initiative is organising a Workshop on Monitoring climate benefits of sustainable land management with a focus on Soil Organic Carbon. Join us in Session 1 on 27 April, 13:00-15:15 CEST, to learn more about linked tools to choose carbon friendly SLM practices, to estimate SOC impact of SLM activities and to collect compatible data on a mobile phone.

» Read more
WOCAT Steering Committee Meeting and Goodbye to WOCAT Director Hanspeter Liniger

On April 1st 2021, the WOCAT Steering Committee with the participation of WOCAT's Consortium Partners ISRIC, ICARDA, FAO, ICIMOD, GIZ, CIAT-Bioversity and CDE endorsed the amended Framework Agreement and new organizational structure. With this, Hanspeter Liniger, long-term WOCAT Director, ends his assignment and hands over his responsibilities to the new WOCAT Executive Team comprised of CDE, ISRIC and ICARDA.

» for more information about WOCAT click here
International Day of Forests - 21 March

On International Forest Day, we share findings that relate land and forests and the interconnections between both. For this day, we have selected our Technologies and Approaches aiming to ensure sustainable land management whilst protecting forests within a particular environment. To learn more, visit our Twitter page and Facebook page and learn here from the Statement by the UNCCD Executive Secretary Ibrahim Thiaw: “This year’s International Day of Forests theme of ‘Forest restoration: a path to recovery and well-being’ emphasizes the role forests must play in building a better, heathier and more equitable world as we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.”

» check out SLM Technologies in forests/ woodlands


World Soil Day 2020: Webinar Managing Soils for a Sustainable Future - a toolset

World Soil Day 2020, December 7th 13:00-14:00, webinar to learn how you can estimate the carbon benefits of SLM! Organized with Colorado State University, GEF/UNEP, ISRIC and the Centre for Development and Environment and WOCAT.

» watch the recorded webinar here
GLF Biodiversity Digital Conference: One World - One Health

Watch the full WOCAT/ IUCN session on the Rangeland Health Restoration initiative on the GLF website.

» Read the session's white paper and watch the video here
Global Observance of 2020 Desertification and Drought Day, June 17th

This year's Desertification and Drought Day run under the slogan “Food. Feed. Fibre.” and sought to educate individuals on how to reduce their personal impact. The WOCAT video 'SLM for food, feed, fibre and beyond' was broadcasted during the live event.

» Watch the WOCAT video
Inception workshop for the new sand and dust storms (SDS), 13 February 2020 toolbox at UNCCD

WOCAT and WOCAT Consortium Partner ICARDA, together with other international organizations, participated in the inception workshop for the sand and dust storms (SDS) toolbox at UNCCD headquarters in Bonn. The development of the toolbox was requested by UNCCD parties at COP 14.

» Read the news article on the UNCCD website
GEF Impact Programme Dryland Sustainable Landscapes Agency Partner Meeting, 29-30 January 2020

WOCAT participated in the Agency Partners Meeting of the Dryland Sustainable Landscapes Impact Programme at FAO headquarters in Rome. The meeting provided an opportunity to inform the design of the Global Coordination Project which will, amongst others, create linkages to the LDN pathway, support opportunities for public and private investment, and manage knowledge at regional and global level.

» Visit the FAO website for more information
ISRIC Spring School - Apply now!

Interested in soils? Check out the ISRIC Spring School 2020: World Soils and their Assessment Course.

» Check out the details of the course


Happy World Soil Day!

To stop soil erosion, promote the adoption of Sustainable Land Management practices around the globe! Become part of the WOCAT Network, share your good practices on the Global WOCAT SLM Database and get in touch with other SLM practicioners.

» Check out the WOCAT WSD photo gallery
Regional workshop to kick-start implementation of plans and establishment of Communities of Practice: “Bridging Knowledge Creation and Sharing for Natural Resource Management and Climate Resilience” on 14-15 November 2019 in Rabat, Morocco

This week, a Knowledge Symposium will take place in Rabat, Morocco, organized by the WOCAT Consortium Partner ICARDA and other institutions like CIHEAM-Bari, Procasur, Virginia Tech, IAV Hassan II, supported by the Project’s Partner Institutions and sponsored by IFAD. In the Symposium, WOCAT will discuss with countries the establishment a SLM Community of Practice. For more information contact the WOCAT Secretariat

» Read more
WOCAT Events at COP in New Delhi, India

Join WOCAT at the UNCCD COP14 from 2-13 September, New Delhi, India in one of the 7 side events, the presentation "A global overview on sand and dust storms" or the additional "Carbon Benefits Project (CBP)/WOCAT Training: Estimating theimpact of Land Management Projects on climate change mitigation"

» Read more about the side events
Launch of the TerrAfrica publication ‘Sustainable rangeland management in Sub-Saharan Africa – Guidelines to good practice’ at COP14

This new publication will be launched at UNCCD COP14 in India, September 2019 (side event: ‘LDN -restoring balance in our natural and working landscapes’, 4th September from 13:00 to 15:00hrs). 

» Download the book
WOCAT Symposium and WOCAT Network Meeting 2019 was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 13-16 May 2019

The WOCAT Symposium and WOCAT Network Meeting 2019 that was hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture of Ethiopia and jointly co-organized with CIAT Ethiopia, WLRC and WOCAT, was a success thanks to all participants, contributors and co-organizers. At the WOCAT Symposium participants shared their knowledge and discussed about up- and out-scaling SLM and achieving LDN. The following day participants visited the Jema watershed north of Addis Ababa to experience successful SLM implementation. At the WOCAT Network Meeting invited WOCAT experts jointly reflected on the achievements and experiences in applying WOCAT in different countries, institutions and projects, and on how the future of WOCAT should look like. More information will be shared soon here on the WOCAT website.

» Check out the presentations and posters
Cancelled: Carbon Benefits Project (CBP) and WOCAT Training, 3. - 5.9.19, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

Estimating the impact of Land Management Projects on climate change mitigation by using the WOCAT and CBP tools and methods at UNEP in Côte d’Ivoire

» Read more
Launch of the TerrAfrica publication ‘Sustainable rangeland management in Sub-Saharan Africa – Guidelines to good practice’ at COP14

This new publication will be launched at UNCCD COP14 in India, September 2019 (side event: ‘LDN -restoring balance in our natural and working landscapes’, 4th September from 13:00 to 15:00hrs).

» Download the book
Carbon Benefits Project (CBP) and WOCAT Training, 9. - 11.9.2019, New Delhi, India

Estimating the impact of Land Management Projects on climate change mitigation by using the WOCAT and CBP tools and methods in New Delhi, India.

» Read more about the training
WOCAT Symposium and WOCAT Network Meeting 2019 was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 13-16 May 2019

The WOCAT Symposium and WOCAT Network Meeting 2019 that was hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture of Ethiopia and jointly co-organized with CIAT Ethiopia, WLRC and WOCAT, was a success thanks to all participants, contributors and co-organizers. At the WOCAT Symposium participants shared their knowledge and discussed about up- and out-scaling SLM and achieving LDN. The following day participants visited the Jema watershed north of Addis Ababa to experience successful SLM implementation. At the WOCAT Network Meeting invited WOCAT experts jointly reflected on the achievements and experiences in applying WOCAT in different countries, institutions and projects, and on how the future of WOCAT should look like. More information will be shared soon here on the WOCAT website.

» Read more
3rd Global Meeting of the GEF/FAO Project ‘Decision Support for Mainstreaming and Scaling up Sustainable Land Management’ (DS-SLM) was held in Ankara, Turkey on 24-27 April 2019

The meeting was hosted by the General Directorate of the Combatting Desertification and Erosion of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Turkey. This third and final global meeting gave the opportunity to share and discuss experiences and results amongst the 15 participating countries.

» Learn more about the project
WOCAT training for the CACILM II project in Ankara, Turkey

Regional WOCAT training of trainers for Central Asian countries and Turkey in Ankara within the framework of the Global Environment Facility Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Central Asian countries initiative for Land Management (CACILM) II.

» Learn more about WOCAT projects
WOCAT Symposium 13-14 May 2019 in Ethiopia

The WOCAT Symposium will be hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture of Ethiopia and will be held on Monday 13 May to Tuesday 14 May 2019 in Ethiopia, followed by the WOCAT Network Meeting for long-term collaborators and the Steering Committee Meeting.

» Read more about the WOCAT Symposium
17 June: World Day to Combat Desertification

The World Day to Combat Desertification (WDCD) is observed every year on 17 June to promote public awareness of international efforts to combat desertification. Many countries, groups and individuals celebrate and observe WDCD by organizing a variety of outreach activities and awareness raising events.

» Learn more about this day
Near East and North Africa Land and Water Days 2019 in Cairo

Join WOCAT at several events: 1st April side event on decision support for SLM with FAO and participation of DS-SLM project partners and the launch of the e-learning course on SLM with CIHEAM and FAO. 2nd April regional initiative to combat land degradation in the Mediterranean with FAO.

» Learn more about it
Save the date: WOCAT Symposium 13-14 May 2019 in Ethiopia

We are pleased to announce to all interested institutions and experts the WOCAT Symposium that will be hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture of Ethiopia and will be held on Monday 13 May to Tuesday 14 May 2019 in Ethiopia.

» Read more about the WOCAT Symposium
“Decision Support for Mainstreaming and Scaling up of Sustainable Land Management (DS-SLM)” Asian Regional Forum, 29 January – 1 February 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand

The four-day Forum is hosted by DS SLM Thailand and is organized jointly by FAO, Land Development Department (LDD), Soil and Fertilizer Society of Thailand (SFST) and the Kasetsart University. The Forum will be held during the Annual Kasetsart University Agricultural Fair to also allow participants to witness a range of agricultural SLM approaches and technologies implemented in Thailand.

» Read more about the DS SLM project
WOCAT at UNCCD CRIC17 in Guyana

WOCAT Director Hanspeter Liniger will participate in the upcoming UNCCD CRIC17 in Georgetown, Guyana, and will present during the LDN training session on 25-26 January 2019.

» Learn more about the UNCCD CRIC17


Presentation of the 3rd ed. of the World Atlas of Desertification (WAD)

WOCAT Director Hanspeter Liniger and Claudio Zucca from ICARDA presented with JRC scientists in Brussels the 3rd edition of the World Atlas of Desertification (WAD) to Brussels-based political stakeholders.

» Listen to the interview with JRC scientists
Global Landscapes Forum, 1-2 Dezember, Bonn FAO and WOCAT Side event: Scaling up SLM in the landscape: a framework for decision support

FAO and the WOCAT will present the Decision Support Framework developed within the GEF/FAO project ‘decision support for mainstreaming and scaling out SLM (DS-SLM)’ which provides guidance to countries on scaling up SLM. Representatives from three to four project countries (tentatively Philippines, Colombia, Morocco, and Uzbekistan) and partners will showcase their experiences and processes established for mainstreaming and scaling out SLM in specific landscapes.

» » Go to the website
World Mountain Forum 2018 'Mountains in a Changing World: Strengthening Partnerships and Pathways towards a Thriving Mountain Future'

Today, the World Mountain Forum 2018 has opened. The Forum will be held from 23-26 October 2018 in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, to advance the agenda on sustainable mountain development by building on past achievements and successes and sets to develop scenarios for a thriving mountain future. At the Forum, WOCAT and the Carbon Benefit Project will be presented by Farrukh Nazarmavlov today and tomorrow.

» » More information about the Forum
Side Event on 'Nature-based Solutions for Water: A Smart Approach to Disaster Risk', 28 August, 2018, at the World Water Week in Stockholm

The side event by the Swiss NGO DRR Platform and partners will explore different components for the successful implementation of Nature-based Solutions for Water, based on case studies from the joint publication with WOCAT on good practices in Disaster Risk Reduction.

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Global Land Forum, Indonesia, 22 – 27 September 2018

Every two-three years, ILC organises the Global Land Forum (GLF). This unique event brings together ILC members and other stakeholders from grassroots organisations, activists, local and international NGOs, and researchers, to multilateral organisations and government agencies from around the world to advance understanding of the complex and dynamic political, economic, environmental and social linkages between land governance, food security, poverty and democracy.

» Go to the website
World Water Week - 26 – 31 August, 2018, Stockholm

The UN focuses on “nature-based solutions” as the theme for the 2018 World Water Day and World Water Development Report. The aim of this week is to align the present 2018 Thematic Scope with this, and to go further to explore the wider water, ecosystems and human development agenda.

» Go to the official website
Training Workshop on WOCAT tools, 6-9 August 2017, Bangkok, Thailand

Training Workshop on WOCAT SLM Technologies and Approaches Questionnaires and Database, 6-9 August 2017, Bangkok, Thailand organized within the framework of the GEF/DS-SLM project together with FAO, WOCAT and the Land Development Department Thailand.

» Go to the national website
Training workshop on participatory co-management of natural resources including the WOCAT decision support tools, 9 – 12 July 2018, Midelt, Morocco

Training workshop on participatory co-management of natural resources organized within the framework of the FAO project on Participatory and integrated watershed management project for erosion control (GCP/MOR/050/SWI). CDE, University of Bern, and the School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences (HAFL) held the workshop with a strong focus on participatory rangeland management. The project has documented 11 SLM Technologies and 4 SLM Approaches.

» Discover the SLM practices in the Global SLM Database
World Water Forum, 18.3 - 23.3, 2018 in Brasília, Brasil

The World Water Forum contributes to the dialogue of the decision-making process on water at the global level, seeking to achieve the rational and sustainable use of this resource. Given its political, technical and institutional scope, one of the Forum’s main features is the open, democratic participation of actors drawn from different sectors.

» Go to the website
WOCAT at the Central Asia Climate Change Conference

WOCAT is presenting at the Central Asia Climate Change Conference in Almaty, 24-25 January 2018 organized by The Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC) in Session 3. BEST PRACTICES AND TECHNOLOGIES: Global challenges – local actions.

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WOCAT cordially invites you to participate at the WOCAT events during the UNCCD COP13 in China!

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4th International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD)

The 4th International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD) takes place from 5-8 September 2017 in Bern, Switzerland.

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WOCAT Symposium and 18th WOCAT Network Meeting

The WOCAT Symposium and 18th WOCAT Network Meeting, co-organized by CIAT and FAO, celebrates the 25 years of WOCAT in Cali, Colombia in June 2017.

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1992 - 2016 (WNM)

All previous WOCAT Network Meetings and Symposium

All previous WOCAT Network Meetings have been documented and are available in our media library.

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