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Community Platform WOCATpedia

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About WOCATpedia

WOCATpedia is the new Community platform for the World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT) Network. WOCATpedia.net is a wiki-based knowledge platform for the WOCAT Network, to share their knowledge and good practices related to the activities of WOCAT or topics related to Sustainable Land Management (SLM). This platform provides free and easy access to state-of-the-art know-how on the subject. It offers the opportunity to write and comment on articles, share relevant publications or videos of projects, or provide feedback on WOCAT tools and methods. WOCATpedia is neither an in-depth academic textbook nor a manual for SLM practices, but an open platform that allows sharing experiences and discuss SLM-related issues. The website is linked to the WOCAT website, and WOCATpedia further links to the Global WOCAT SLM Database, to enable the WOCAT Network members to discuss documented SLM practices.

WOCATpedia is built upon the basic structure of the former Agriwaterpedia wiki website managed by the WOCAT Consortium Partner GIZ. All the articles, uploaded documents and registered users until September 2017 have been migrated from the Agriwaterpedia website.

The WOCAT Secretariat, hosted by the Centre of Development and Environment (CDE) at the University of Bern in Switzerland ensures the smooth functioning of the WOCATpedia platform, and fills the role of the WOCATpedia administrators. The administration includes the programming of the website, content, design, and structural organization, as well as the organisation to enhance the content of the WOCATpedia platform with contests and collaborations with other partners and experts.

WOCATpedia can now be accessed through the WOCAT website or directly via www.wocatpedia.net. Currently, the users must register to receive a new login only applicable for WOCATpedia to write new or comment on articles. For viewing articles, no login is required.

Benefits of WOCATpedia

It was recognized that there is wealth of experience in agricultural water and SLM gathered through development cooperation which, together with recent know-how, is highly relevant for today’s urgent needs. Therefore, WOCAT recognized the potential to use WOCATpedia for collecting relevant documents and promoting the exchange of knowledge and experience providing a base for further development of approaches. Further, the WOCATpedia platform now is designed to discuss different SLM practices linked to the WOCAT database. The WOCATpedia Community Platform enables the WOCAT Network members, registered with WOCATpedia, for the first time to enhance the visibility of their activities and share experiences with other members from all over the world via the online platform WOCATpedia. The members don’t require any direct assistance of the WOCAT Secretariat, and do not have to be part of a project or need to document an entire SLM practice in the Global WOCAT SLM Database. It furthers offers a platform to discuss modifications and give feedback of the WOCAT tools and methods to the WOCAT Secretariat, offers the opportunity to gather information for specific issues by launching a contest, and allows newcomers to easily interact with other members, and from non-WOCAT related projects and/ or research to share experience.

WOCATpedia is open and free for everyone. On www.WOCATpedia.net everyone is invited to create and revise articles on technologies, approaches and projects related to sustainable land and water management, or upload all types of documents in the media library of WOCATpedia.

WOCATpedia consists of two main components:

a)    A collection of short articles which are easy to read and to understand, providing an overview on agricultural Water and Sustainable Land Management in development cooperation, with references to documents for further study and links to WOCATpedia media library, the WOCAT website or the Global WOCAT SLM Database.

b)    An on-line library with a collection of all types of documents on agricultural Water and Sustainable Land Management.

The platform is open to further development according to needs, progress made and available resources.

Your contribution

If you want to share your knowledge and contribute to the articles have a look at the guidelines.

Or you can help to build the WOCATpedia online library by proposing relevant publications or papers that can be used free of charge. They may be your own or those of your organisation, provided they can be used freely.

WOCATpedia Community Platform

Find or write an article on SLM, global issues, give your feedback on the WOCAT tools, and discuss SLM practices with other WOCAT members.