Questionnaire on Gender-responsive Sustainable Land Management (SLM) Technologies

The low adoption rate of SLM technologies remains a key bottleneck for making real progress in combating Land Degradation, Desertification and Drought (DLDD) and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in particular Land Degradation Neutrality (SDG 15.3). Understanding the different roles of women and men in land management is key particularly considering, for instance, that in developing countries, women account for half of the food production.

The aim of the present questionnaire is therefore to:

  • add a gender lens to SLM Technologies and Approaches and assess their gender-responsiveness
  • evaluate how gender-responsiveness of SLM Technologies and Approaches can be improved, stepping up adoption and dissemination, making SLM beneficial for women and men alike.

Version 2022


Questionnaire on Gender-responsive Sustainable Land Management (SLM) Technologies (English) 2022
462.8 KB

Please note: all versions are currently being updated and the final questionnaires will be available in September 2024

Questionnaire on Gender-responsive Sustainable Land Management (SLM) Technologies (French) 2021
630.7 KB
Questionnaire on Gender-responsive Sustainable Land Management (SLM) Technologies (Spanish) 2021
613.3 KB


Questionnaire on Gender-responsive Sustainable Land Management (SLM) Technologies (English) 2022
986.9 KB