Sustainable rangeland management in Sub-Saharan Africa - Guidelines to good practice

In Sub-Saharan Africa, the popular perception of rangelands and their management is that these vast areas have major problems without solutions: the common narrative focuses on overgrazing, herds of undernourished livestock, erosion and desertification, drought, famine, and conflict. However, evidence compiled and analysed in this book show that such a view of rangelands – as being unproductive and mismanaged systems – does not reflect reality. It needs reconsideration and revision. The overall goal of the guidelines is to demonstrate – through a unique set of convincing case studies and their analysis as well as the development of guiding principles – the value and potential of investment in rangelands.

Citation: Liniger, HP. and Mekdaschi Studer, R. 2019. Sustainable rangeland management in Sub-Saharan Africa – Guidelines to good practice. TerrAfrica; World Bank, Washington D.C.; World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT); World Bank Group (WBG), Washington DC, USA and Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern, Switzerland.


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