Global coordination project for the SFM Dryland Sustainable Landscapes Impact Program (DSL-IP)
This e-learning series is part of the GEF global coordination project (GCP) for the SFM Dryland Sustainable Landscapes Impact Program (DSL-IP) and is part of the DSL-IP Community of Practice 2 on Good SLM Practices.
It offers a space for DSL-IP countries and other stakeholders to:
share existing and acquire new knowledge and insights
exchange experiencesand lessons learned
Every learning event entails a 2-hours interactive session alternating short presentations, practical experiences, technical presentations, and participants’ reflections on implications at the contextualization level.
DSL-IP e-Learning Series 2025
Learning Event No. 1: Staying Connected – Launching the DSL-IP and Committee on Forests Working Group on Dryland Forests and Agrosilvopastoral Forum
Importance of knowledge management and communities of practice - Tatenda Lemann (CDE-WOCAT)
Learning event No. 5: Sustainable land management and land tenure
Technical Guide on the Integration of the VGGT into the Implementation of the UNCCD Convention to Combat Desertification and achieve LDN - Aurélie Brès (FAO)
Expérience de la mise en œuvre de la gestion durable des terres (GDT) avec l’approche par le foncier par les conseils villageois de développement (CVD) - Moussa Abou (Independent Consultant)
Learning event No. 3: Introduction to invasive species and the woody weeds project
Introduction to invasive species through the woody weeds project trajectory & Kenya’s National Prosopis Strategy - Urs Schaffner (CABI) / Albrecht Ehrensberger (CDE)
Sustainable management of Opuntia engelmannii species in Lower Naibunga - Alfred Nchana Lengingiro (Cooperation for Peace and Development (COPAD), Laikipia County, Kenya)
Learning event No. 2: PRAGA for LDN and sustainable rangeland management good practices
This learning event introduced participants to the participatory rangeland and grassland assessment (PRAGA) methodology with experiences from pilot countries and presented specific sustainable rangeland management practices implemented at the grassroots.
Learning event No. 1: Good practices in fire management
This learning event contributed to a better understanding of the dynamic relationship between fire management (prevention of fires as well as restoration of the land after fires) and the specific SLM practices implemented at the grassroots.
Fire Management Principles / Fire Ecology - Peter Moore (FAO)