This e-learning series is part of the GEF global coordination project (GCP) for the SFM Dryland Sustainable Landscapes Impact Program (DSL-IP) and is part of the DSL-IP Community of Practice 2 on Good SLM Practices.
It offers a space for DSL-IP countries and other stakeholders to:
Every learning event entails a 2-hours interactive session alternating short presentations, practical experiences, technical presentations, and participants’ reflections on implications at the contextualization level.
This event contributed to a better understanding of the impacts of alien invasive species on ecosystems and livelihoods as well as good management practices of invasive species at the grassroots level.
This learning event introduced participants to the participatory rangeland and grassland assessment (PRAGA) methodology with experiences from pilot countries and presented specific sustainable rangeland management practices implemented at the grassroots.
This learning event contributed to a better understanding of the dynamic relationship between fire management (prevention of fires as well as restoration of the land after fires) and the specific SLM practices implemented at the grassroots.