Global Landscapes Forum - Scaling up SLM in the landscape

At the Global Landscapes Forum 2018 in Bonn, Germany, FAO and WOCAT presented the Decision Support Framework (DSF) developed within the GEF-funded project 'decision support for mainstreaming and scaling out SLM (DS-SLM)' which provides guidance to countries on scaling up SLM.

The side-event was chaired by Mr. Eduardo Mansur, Director of the FAO Land and Water Division. WOCAT gave an intricution to the Decision Support Framework and country representatives and partners from Colombia, Uzbekistan, Philippines and Morocco showcased their experiences and processes established for scaling up and out SLM in specific landscapes.

GLF presentation WOCAT
2.7 MB
GLF presentation Colombia
2.3 MB
GLF presentation Uzbekistan
3.1 MB
GLF presentation Philippines
4.1 MB
GLF presentation Morocco
3.2 MB
GLF flyer