SLM Technologies and Approaches training materials

The WOCAT SLM Technologies and Approaches training materials can be used in trainings on the SLM Technologies and Approaches Questionnaires and related Global WOCAT SLM Database.

They can be freely downloaded and used by any interested stakeholder.

WOCAT Training Cambodia

WOCAT SLM Technologies and Approaches training at the Royal University of Agriculture (RUA), Cambodia.


WOCAT General Presentation

WOCAT Presentation English
26.3 MB

SLM Technologies and Approaches Questionnaires and Database

WOCAT Technology and Approach Questionnaires and DB presentation
41.5 MB
Landscape Approach QTQA
20.3 MB

WOCAT-LADA Mapping Land Degradation and SLM

WOCAT LADA Mapping Questionnaire introduction
13.4 MB
WOCAT LADA Mapping Questionnaire in 5 Steps
7.1 MB

WOCAT SLM Technologies and Approaches Videos Manual

WOCAT Instructional Videos User Manual
1.3 MB


WOCAT Presentación General

Presentación Intro Español
29.3 MB

Interersted in accessing Land Degradation Neutrality training material? Have a look here!

Land Degradation Neutrality training materials
Author: WOCAT; partners
Year: 2020
Languages: English
» Show media
E-Course on Sustainable Land Management and land restoration

This e-course, developed by FAO, CIHEAM, ELD, University of Leeds and WOCAT, focuses on SLM practices, and their place within the global development agenda, specifically in order to achieve target 15.3 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which aims "to achieve a land degradation-neutral world". The course assists policy makers, practitioners and land users in the selection, planning, implementation and monitoring of SLM interventions, and related enabling environment.

» Visit the E-Course on the FAO website